Private Xanga - Divine Cosmic Mother Ceremony + Integration


These sessions are treated as deep soul therapy in a loving safe space to allow you to birth your true divine essence. The medicine works on deep levels to clear what is blocking you from living in your highest truth with your divine essence and soul calling. For you to meet the greatness of your highest self, in all of its beauty and shimmering magic.

What to Expect: This medicine is like having a very deep soul retrieval and the birthing of your true divine essence. It is very powerful. The medicine shows you and helps you clear what is blocking you from living your highest purpose so that you can then begin to receive and open to the magical unfolding of your Divine Plan and help anchor in the light and love on this planet. Many people have cleared their addictive drug habits or addictive low vibrational ways of being that are preventing them from being in alignment. Many people have quit their jobs that they have not been happy in for years and decided to follow their hearts longing and calling to truly be happy. Many people have healed relationships and let go of relationships and cords that do not serve them. Some have gone back to the time of embodiment and have retrieved lost soul pieces and understood everything in its divine order and healed those lost pieces. Some have completely left their bodies and have died. Only to be reborn to the greatest love and oneness in this universe. The medicine (she) is filled with the greatest love that you have never experienced in your life. You will feel so much love and connection on the deepest levels that it will bring you to tears, or joy, and laughter. She embodies all of creation and helps you to feel that within your own eternal being. She gives you exactly what you need.  The medicine will continue to stay with you and continue to work so please be aware of how she is with you in your daily life and helping to support you in your Divine Plan.

Preparation and Diet: 2 days before. Please drink plenty of water and refrain from alcohol, recreational drugs, and eat a clean diet abstaining from meat, sugar, caffeine, and dairy. Please take the time to meditate and start connecting with what your intention is to bring to the medicine. The deeper your connection and intention the more you will get out of this session. We all meet each other halfway in the center of our hearts and surrender and that is when the magic happens.

Allergies or Reactions: Please let Shaundra know if you are on any type of medication and what. If you have any allergies to plants like tobacco or adverse reactions to smoking.

Integration: 1 week after we will do Quantum Healing work on zoom

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