“Consciousness is the awareness and reflection of self through our thoughts, actions, words and intentions.”

Every thought builds your reality like a beautiful spider weaving its web. That web effects you and everyone you come in contact with. Our part effects the whole. Building the great interconnected web of life that streams throughout all of us. How you perceive your world, what you think, what you feel, your actions and your words all frame your reality.

All matter is energy, which is a frequency. This includes our minds, bodies, souls, thoughts, actions, and intentions. So, if we amplify our frequency with which we intend, we amplify the frequency of self. The structure of the matter with which you focus on will change to a higher vibration and frequency.

How do we shift our perception of consciousness in everything we do so that we see the possibility of how we can live to our fullest potential as an individual and collectively as a whole? It is through heightened awareness through, higher consciousness.

So, it is my intention that this be a portal for us all to raise our vibration through the healing of mind, body, and soul while being mindful of every moment of the way we live our lives so we can all attain a Hyre Consciousness.

About Shaundra


Shaundra Lynn Hyre is a Medicine Woman, and a retired International Fashion Model of 21 years.  Her name means: She brings the Light Codes. She is the full activation of the Spirit of the Ancient Ones, and therefore she is a teacher of Wisdom and one who is lovingly here to guide others on the highest pathway to the Divine. She is an Aurora from the 5th Harmonic Universe from the Soul Group of the Lighten-Coded Ones. Her Galaxy of Origin is of the Bear Constellation and the Milky Way Galaxy with the immense, intricate connection with the galaxies that lie between Sirius and Orion. She works with the Auraura’s and the Auraura Rays of light. The Galactic lineage she comes from.

Shaundra is American and of Cherokee Indian Heritage. She is based in Miami and serves as the Founder and Minister of her own Plant Medicine Church, TRIBU. She is also a member of Oklevueha Native American Church. She travels the world serving in ceremonies. The medicines she holds upon her altar are Kambo, Rape’, Sananga, Wilka, Huachuma, Bufo and Xanga, a very special medicine that she makes called the Divine Cosmic Mother, Xanga. It is part of her soul contract to carry this very special and unique medicine that she makes through the Divine Cosmic Mother to help people to truly awaken into who they are and heal. She works with light, codes, and sound healing in every ceremony.

She has been working in service with Sacred Plants since 2010. Her journey into Shamanism began in NY in 2008 where she was living and modeling for 14 years. Learning the way of Shamanism by journeying through the heartbeat and portal of the drum a deep remembering began. Modeling then took her to a new chapter in her life living in London, where she then began her work with the plants. Her deep love, connection and remembering of walking a path with sacred medicines for many lifetimes was activated and the call to dive deeper into these realms began.

Which then led her to Brazil and many other countries around the world to do deep work and initiations with many different lineages and sacred medicines. From the Huni Kuin and Yawanawa tradition with Ayahuasca, Rape, Sananga and Kambo. The Cofan tradition with Yage’. To the Native American lineage with Peyote and a deep initiation with the South American tradition with Grandfather Huachuma. As well as her continued work with Ayahuasca and the Shibipo lineage. Shaundra deepens her work yearly, undergoing dieta in the Amazon with Noya Rao, the tree of light, that has captivated her heart.

Her journey over the years has led her to be in service holding ceremonial spaces with Ayahuasca, Huachuma, Kambo, Xanga, Bufo, Mushrooms, Wilka, Rape’ and Sananga. She has worked with people from all walks of life. She has experience working as the key alternative Medicine Practitioner with an addiction treatment clinic for those who have tried everything and have not seen results with western medicine. She is also a Somatic Trauma Informed Plant Medicine Integration Practitioner. 

Using all of her skills, knowledge, and years of experience; the wisdom of the earth medicine and of the star energy medicine. It is her great honor and blessing to hold a safe loving space of support to guide you into transformation and the birthing of your true divine essence.

